Tag: bike

Weekly Newsletter&Weekend Ride

Hello All,

This weekend will be the final group ride of 2010. Join Rich and Andrew C at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning at the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken. Saturday is supposed to be the warmest day of the week so take advantage.

As this will be the final newsletter of the year, GC Tri just wants to thank all the volunteers who have helped make the club run smoothly. Thanks to Mike, Megan and Nicole for organizing all the track workouts along with all of our bike group leaders! GC Tri is the only non-profit club in the New York City area and thanks to the volunteers, we plan to keep it that way!

Finally, don’t forget to order your official GC Tri hat or visor made by headsweats at . Also, email Rich at ricbean01atgmail if you are interested in getting the first official GC Tri racing kits by Sugoi.

Happy Training and Happy Holidays!

GC Tri

Weekly Newsletter/Weekend Ride

Hello All,

The holidays are coming and the triathlon season is over. GC Tri would like to have a Happy Hour to celebrate these times. Next Wednesday, December 8th around 7:30 PM, GC Tri will be gathering over at Moran’s on 5th and Garden to celebrate everyone’s success this year. We will also have our first official GC Tri merchandise available for sale and pickup if you reserved it through pre-order. Here is the flier if you are interested in purchasing one for yourself or as a gift for a loved one. They are only $20 each and made by Headsweats so you know they are the finest in quality. Please email for information on how to place the order

This weekend Andrew will be leading the group ride leaving Saturday from the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8:00 AM. If you are interested in going long there will be several going to try to get a century in that will be leaving with us.

Happy Training,

Weekly Newsletter

Hello All,
So the New York Marathon is next weekend.  That means next week will be the last week of GC Tri track workouts in the morning. Take advantage while you can!
This weekend Andrew and Rich will be leading a ride on Saturday leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8:00 AM.  Mike Satz will also be leading a group run on Saturday leaving from 1st and Washington at 9:00 AM.  And finally, don’t forget about the awesome trail running option on Sunday that is close by.  Feel free to contact Kristen Sykes for more info:  ksykes at optonline.net and the web site ishttp://www.njtrailrunning.com/group-runs.html.
Good luck to everyone racing the HoBOOken 5k on Saturday!
Happy Training,

Saturday Activity

Hello All,
There is a pretty cool event going on this Saturday..  The Bike Hoboken group will be have a leisure ride around the city to promote biking within town.  This is the same group that helped obtain bike lanes throughout town.  There will be several city government members there to see how important biking is to people who live in Hoboken.  It will be a leisure ride around town leaving the Wicked Wolf around noon.  Try and make it out there if you can and show the city of Hoboken what biking means to this town.
For more information feel free to email Chris Giannini at giannini..

Weekly Newsletter

Hello All,

Congrats to Scott Dresden and Daniel Grabell for competing and finishing the Ironman World Championships down in Kona!

This weekend Andrew will be leading an easy ride on Saturday morning leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 7:00 AM.  Also on Saturday, Kristin will be leading a long run into the city.  She is looking to run 20 miles at around a 10 minute pace.  If you are prepping for the marathon, take advantage and join her.  For more details please email Kristin at so she knows who is planning to join her.

This Sunday, Kristen Sykes will be heading out to do an awesome 11 mile trail run.  Her group will be doing around 9 min/mile pace and she can take several people in her car.  Please email Kristen at if you would like to join her.  For more details on the trail, check out this site: http://www.njtrailrunning.com/group-runs.html.

Happy Training,

GC Tri

Thursday Bike Ride

Andrew won’t be leading the ride tomorrow morning but don’t let this stop you from starting your day off right.  540am from 14th st ferry.  Bring a light, it is dark in the morning.