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Weekly Newsletter 10/31/14
Fit Kits – have you figured out your sizes for the team tri kits and cycling gear yet? Time is limited so get over to Fleet Feet of Hoboken ASAP before the fit kit is gone! Jen will be sending the fit kit back to Hincapie on Monday so you really need to get over there this weekend to try stuff on.
How’s your running form look? If you are often injured, find yourself to be slow and inefficient, then you should come to the running clinic on Saturday 11/15 that Carlos Garcia is putting on. Why not work on your flaws in the offseason to set yourself up for success next year.
Weekend rides: with rain predicted tomorrow and the NYC marathon on Sunday, no rides have been planned. Remember, everyone can post on the club calendar or on the FB group. If you are one of those folks that doesn’t like riding in the cold, see if you can get a group run together.
Weekly Newsletter 10/24/14
If you would like to purchase a team uniform (race kit or cycling gear) the time is NOW. We are only planning on doing this once for the year. The fit kit should be arriving from Hincapie today or tomorrow (we will notify you as soon as it is here). We will have it for approximately 1 week and it will be located over at our sponsor Fleet Feet of Hoboken. Stop in during store hours, try on items you wish to purchase and record the sizes that fit best. Jen will then coordinate through Hincapie to open the ordering portal. We should have uniforms sometime in February or March by ordering so early.
Weekend rides (all depart from 14th st ferry pier). Saturday: Maria is leading an A ride to state line (~40mi) departing at 7am. Nicole is leading a B ride to state line or Piermont departing at 8am. If you are new to the group and have been standing on the sidelines because you were worried you couldn’t keep up – now is the time to join the rides as they are much more social in nature.
Weekly Newsletter 10/17/14
Save the dates: the November social will be on 11/15 in the afternoon (place to be determined). The Annual Holiday Bash will be on Friday December 5th (location to be determined still).
The off-season is the perfect time to work on your deficiencies. If your run can use some work, you will only benefit from the Run Clinic that Carlos Garcia will be having on Saturday 11/15 at Noon (we will go to the social after). Carlos will speak about drills that can help you, will help you find out flaws in your form, and will talk about planning your weekly runs. Please check that you will be attending on the club calendar if you plan on attending so we can adequately prepare.
Weekend rides: On Saturday we have the Tour de Defiant Brewery. The group will depart at 10am for our 30mi ride up to our delicious destination. Please see Lisa Mangino’s emails for full details. For those that can’t make the Brewery ride, John Palmer and Carlos Garcia are riding to State line and will leave at 7:30am on Saturday.
Weekly Newsletter 10/10/14
Congrats to Lauren Karstens (1:41, 2nd AG, new PR) for a great race last weekend at Jersey Shore Half Marathon. Good luck to those racing Steamtown Marathon and Staten Island Half Marathon.
Great news! We’ve re-scheduled the Tour de Defiant Brewery for Saturday 10/18. The trip will depart the 14th St. ferry pier at 10am. Lets hope we get nice weather so we can go and enjoy it!
Are you interested in ordering awesome GCTri race kits and cycling gear? Jen has ordered the Hincapie fit kit so that you can find out your appropriate sizes. Stay tuned for information pertaining to the arrival of the fit kit. We typically get it for a 1 week period and our sponsor Fleet Feet is kind enough to hold it at their Hoboken store. Simply stop in during their business hours, try stuff on and mark down your sizes. Jen will open the Hincapie ordering portal shortly thereafter. We do need to meet certain minimums so please order if you are interested.
Weekend rides: On Saturday, Raphael is leading an A+ ride leaving the 14th st. ferry pier at 7am. Nicole is leading a B ride to state line (~40mi) that departs the 14th st. ferry pier at 8:30am. Saturday looks like rain, so perhaps these will get switched to Sunday. Monday is Columbus Day and some folks may have off so please organize other rides on FB and the club calendar.
Weekly Newsletter 10/3/14
The word offseason screams beer! Saturday is our ride to the Defiant Brewery – and I’m sure it’s gonna be awesome. You should have received detailed instructions from Lisa Mangino regarding the event. Special thanks to her for her time and efforts in planning. The plan is to leave around 10am so that we could get there around Noon when it opens. We will be tracking the weather closely so see if we will have to cancel. We will make the decision on whether we are going by 9am Saturday morning and will distribute an email and FB message ONLY if it is CANCELLED.
Don’t forget we have another awesome event coming up on Thursday 10/9. Joe LoPorto and the folks to Fitwerx NYC/NJ are hosting us at their shop. If you plan on attending you MUST sign up on the club calendar or the FB event so we have an accurate headcount. They will be providing pizza and beer for us.
Currently there are no rides posted for Sunday (the day when the weather is supposed to be terrific). Please organize rides via FB or feel free to post a ride. Just a quick reminder that all members have the ability to post a ride to the club calendar. Additionally, there are many of you who are experienced riders now and we can use your help! If you want to serve as a ride leader, please contact either RJ or Mark Smith.
Weekly Newsletter 9/26/14
In typical GCTri fashion, we were out there this past weekend racing fast, and looking good while doing it! Check out these great results: At IRONMAN Maryland – Matt Bach (8:51, 1st OA), Christine Hadermayer (14:37 – her first IM!!!); at Newport Liberty Half Marathon: Gabe Rasure (2:22), Vito Ciraco (2:07), Jared Williams (2:05). At IRONMAN Princeton 70.3 – Mark Horton (4:45), EJ Burke (5:05), Jared Lando (5:08), Dave Calabrese (5:11), Christian Gargiulo (5:15), Jen Sheppard (5:17), Pete Cancila (5:35), Paul Zaragoza (5:39), Ray Josephs (5:46), Jim Englert (5:56), Juan Carlos Buenano (5:57), Lisa Mangino (6:01), Steve “the Mayor” Fulop (6:04), Des Johnson (6:08), Anthony Desantis (6:28), Meredith Ryan (7:01), Robert Budwilowitz (7:12), Heather Cameron and Jenny Zarzuela participated on Relay teams. At the Little Red Lighthouse Swim (6+mi swim) – Nicole Ogrosso (2:33). At City Challenge Hoboken – Dave Pietrangelo (28:00, 1st AG, 6th OA). At the Jersey City Party With Purpose 5k – Mike Menter (20:46), Lauren Kruk (2nd OA female – 22:21 – she must have a great mentor), Diane Berry (30:08). Please share your race results with us on the webpage Good luck to our folks racing Franklin Lakes Half Marathon and the Seaside Sprint Triathlon this weekend.
We’ve begun the planning process for the 2015 race season already. Designated club races that have been determined so far include: IM Mont Tremblant, Mont Tremblant 70.3, NJ State Olympic & Sprint. We’ve created a survey to help us determine what other races we should designate as “official club races”. I think everyone will agree, it’s always more fun to race with your friends. Please fill out the attached survey so we can make some other good choices for club races.
Next Saturday (10/4) we ride for beer! We are heading the Defiant Brewery in Pearl River, NY. Stay tuned for more details from Lisa Mangino. She is in the process of shoring up the details. She will post to the group with final information.
Weekend Rides: As a reminder all rides depart from 14th St. Ferry Pier unless otherwise noted. On Saturday, Lisa is leading a B+ drop ride up to state line (~40mi) departing at 8am. On Sunday, Nicole is leading a B ride up to state line (~40mi) or possibly to The Market leaving at 10am. Also, Shelley is looking to get a C ride together on Saturday or Sunday. Please respond to her FB post if interested. Happy traning.