Category: social events
Weekly Newsletter 12/26/14
This Saturday is looking like a nice day to ride outside and a few people showed interest in going. However, with many of our ride leaders away for the holidays, we do not have a group ride planned. If you plan to ride, please post to the Facebook page and the club calendar!
There is yoga scheduled at Devotion Yoga this Tuesday (12/30) at 8pm. Please sign up on the Doodle Poll – http://doodle.com/gw7qv89gnd58scn5sgkics8f/admin#table
If you have already replied yes and cannot make it, you must change your response on the Doodle Poll. The class will be cancelled if there are not enough participants.
Tuesday morning hill repeats continue next week. We meet at the Castle Point Gate on the Stevens campus (end of 6th Street or top of the stairs from Sinatra) at 6am.
Come start the new year off right, with your favorite tri club, at our annual New Years Day 100x100s! Meet at the track for a 2:00pm start. If you want to run with us to the track, meet at 11th & Park at 1:45pm.
Save the date: the club kickoff social will be held on Saturday 1/17 at 4PM at Morans Pub (501 Garden Street). We will have raffle prizes and kick off another great season together!
Finally, don’t forget to pay your 2015 membership dues: http://www.gctri.org/merchandise/
All 2014 memberships are set to expire 1/31/15. Our policy states that the Facebook group will only be available to paying members, our sponsors, and husbands/wives of paying members as of 1/31/15 – all others will be dropped. So, please, renew ASAP! We will be giving out GCTri water bottles at the Kickoff Social as your membership gift this year.
Have a very safe and happy New Year!
Weekly Newsletter 12/5/14
Congratulations to the newly elected GCTri BOD: President – Nicole Ogrosso, Secretary – Nicci Schock, CFO- John Callahan, Members at large – Jen Sheppard & Lisa Mangino. Special thanks to RJ Boergers, Mike Satz and Chuck Dender for all of their hard work this past year. In the next month, the old BOD will meet with the new BOD to ensure a smooth transition. We still need more help for committee work so you if you can spare some of your time please contact RJ and let him know what you’re able to do.
Team yoga begins on Sunday 12/7 at Devotion Yoga. If you signed up on the Doodle Poll, you are expected to go!!! Reminder that we sessions will be on Sundays at 2pm and Tuesdays at 8pm.
Don’t miss a great seminar that is part of our Athlete Education Series. Jared Lando DPT, PT and RJ Boergers, PhD, ATC will be presenting on the topic of off-season training and conditioning and injury prevention. This seminar is offered at The NJ Running Company on Wednesday 12/10 at 7pm.
Weekly Newsletter 11/28/14
Please vote for the 2015 BOD. As per our bylaws we need at least 10% participation from our members to have an official election. https://docs.google.com/…/1MfyQTG02P6GFT2HbcZNZzpH…/viewform
It’s time to celebrate our fantastic 2015 triathlon season! We had some amazing team and individual results that we can all be proud of. Come celebrate with the group at the annual Holiday Party at Northern Soul on Friday December 5th at 7:30. This is a pot luck event so please let us know what you’ll be bringing. https://docs.google.com/…/1UyPcSJoeVLGFQre_fFIQl4wgEx…/edit…
Group workouts are still going through the winter. Please note that the Tuesday morning Track workouts are switching to Hill workouts. It is likely we will be meeting at Castle Gate at Stevens (off 6th st) for the first few weeks of hill workouts. We’ve also arranged for group yoga at Devotion Yoga. Please see the doodle and add when you will be attending. Don’t be afraid to have a friend or significant other who is not in the club sign up to come along as well (we need full classes for a better price). https://doodle.com/gw7qv89gnd58scn5sgkics8f/admin#table
Weekly Newsletter 11/21/14
Is increasing your flexibility one of your off-season goals? Come to the GCTri Yoga sessions at Devotion Yoga. Space is limited and will be on a first come first serve basis. Please fill out the attached Doodle form. If you reserve – you’re expected to go!!! The available Sundays and Tuesdays for November and December are listed. Special thanks to Jared and Laura for organizing! https://doodle.com/gw7qv89gnd58scn5sgkics8f/admin#table
Last call for nominations for the 2015 BOD. Please use this form to nominate someone: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1p0lEI-5s9jlk0mRjq4DMxvETXa84n61xZc9gdf5Bcb4/viewform
There are no scheduled group workouts for this weekend. Feel free to organize any rides or runs using the FB page or Club Calendar. Happy Thanksgiving!
Weekly Newsletter 11/14/14
Have you participated in the nominations for next year’s BOD? PLEASE complete the attached form with your nominations. Self-nominations are just fine. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1p0lEI-5s9jlk0mRjq4DMxvETXa84n61xZc9gdf5Bcb4/viewform The election will be held at the end of November.
Beanies baby! It’s cold out there. Keep your head warm when out training by wearing the new black GCTri beanie from SweatVac. Bring $15 along to the club social and pick one up.
The legendary GCTri holiday party is scheduled for Friday December 5th at 7:30pm at Northern Soul in Hoboken. There will be an optional drink special available for purchase for $30. As usual, this will be pot luck so keep your eyes out for the sign-up sheet which will be coming out soon. There will be some amazing raffle prizes available, and if you’d like to donate something, please let us know. Let’s celebrate our awesome success from 2014 and enjoy hanging with good friends.