Tag: bike workout

Thursday bike

Thursday morning ride leaving 14th st ferry at 540am. We will do 4, 5, or 6 repeats on the hill in the park followed by a little time trial home. If you are racing this weekend come along but skip the repeats.

Tuesday Bike Workout

Departing at 5:40 am from the 14th st ferry.

Warmup:   Ride up River Rd to Palisades Park
Main Set 1: Hill Repeats (4x, 5x or 6x)
Main Set 2: Ride down River Rd to Weehawken Ferry
Cool Down: Weehawken Ferry to Hoboken

See you then

Thursday Bike

Tomorrow morning’s AM ride will be leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 5:40 AM.  Will is going to lead the group to either 3, 4 or 5 repeats before heading home.

If anyone is interested in leading a group ride and/or run this weekend feel free to give the group a heads up. We’ve got some nice weather in store for the weekend!


Tuesday Morning Bike Ride

Hi everyone,

Weather for tomorrow morning is calling for 70% chance of showers during our ride time…
if no rain, to light rain = we will ride
if rain, to heavy rain = group ride is cancelled.

If ride is cancelled or you do not feel safe riding in wet conditions or you do not want to get your bike dirty, then either hit the indoor trainer or join in with the GC Tri Track Workout as an alternate workout!

Otherwise, departing from the 14th St Ferry at 5:40am, back in Hoboken by 7am.

Warmup:    Ride up River Rd to Palisades Park
Main Set 1: Hill Repeats (4x, 5x or 6x) – increase 1x from previous 3 weeks
Main Set 2: Ride down River Rd to Weehawken Ferry
Cool Down: Weehawken Ferry to Hoboken

Helmet, Fluids and (if you have) Flashing Light for Bike.


Palisades Park Update

The Palisades Park is passable…you can ride from the GW bridge to the ranger station no problems…Enjoy!

Weekend Workouts

Good luck to anyone racing the SOCH Biathlon or the Hook Mountain Half Marathon this weekend!  >Let us know how you did by emailing us at .

This weekend Andrew and Nicole will be leading a group ride on Saturday leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 7 AM.  On Sunday, Nicole will be leading a beginner or less aggressive ride leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8 AM.