Tag: bike workout

Thursday Morning Bike

Climb some hills tomorrow morning with your favorite training partners.  We leave 14th st. ferry at 540am for some hill repeats in palisades park.  Do as many or as few as you like.  We will get some good speed with a time trial back to hoboken.  We should arrive back in town no later than 7:15.

Come on out!

Thurs and Fri Rides

On thursday we will be leaving from the 14th st ferry at 540am riding to palisades park. Come and build those quads as we tackle the hill a few times.

Friday morning at 540am andrew c will lead another hill repeat session while eyal will ride further north into the park. No excuses! Get up and get out, it looks to be a beautiful morning.

Happy Training.

Thursday Morning Bike RIde

Do you want stronger legs? Of course you do. Andrew will be leading a ride from 14th st. ferry at 5:40am headed to Palisades Park, where you can do hill repeats. This is usually followed by a sprint home if you have anything left in the tank.

See you in the AM.

Tuesday Morning Bike

Weather forecast for tomorrow is calling for 60% chance of rain during our ride time.
If raining or roads are wet from nights rain, group ride will be cancelled.
Feel free to do an indvidual ride or ride on the indoor trainer or join the GC Tri track workout as an alternate workout.

If no rain and roads are dry, we will ride at regular time, departing 14th st ferry at 5:40am.


Thursday Morning Bike Ride


Looks like some pleasant conditions tomorrow morning.  We will meet at the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 5:40 AM.  We will cruise out to the park to do 4, 5 or 6 hill repeats.  The goal on the way home will be to get our speed up and see what we can do followed by an easy ride back from Weehawken.  If you are racing this weekend, it is still a great idea to join us, but I would advise skipping out on the hills and just get some speed work in.

Happy Training,


Tuesday Morning Bike Ride

Bike Ride tomorrow am.
Departing at 5:40 am from the 14th st ferry.

Warmup:    Ride up River Rd to Palisades Park
Main Set 1:  Hill Repeats (4x, 5x or 6x)
Main Set 2:  Ride down River Rd to Weehawken Ferry
Cool Down:  Weehawken Ferry to Hoboken

See you then,