We are on for tomorrow’s ride – weather looks like it will hold out.
Meet at 5:40am at the 14th St Ferry for a 5:45am sharp departure.
Distance- Approx 20 miles including 3-5 hill repeats in the park.
Hi everyone- here is tomorrow’s track workout:
Warmup: Jog to track, 1 lap + drills
Set 1: 1×1600 @ 5K pace, 60s rest
Set 2: 8×200 @ sprint pace, 30s rest between, 60s after set
Set 3: 1 x1600 @ mile pace, 60s rest
Set 4: 8×100 @ sprint pace, 15s rest between
Cool Down: Jog back to Hoboken
We are utilizing three different paces so I want to be clear about what they mean:
5K pace: fast but a pace you can hold over 3 miles; slower than mile pace, but faster than a pace for a 10K.
Mile pace: slower than a sprint, not holding back too much but sustainable over a mile.
Sprint pace: this is all-out, not holding back any more than necessary to complete the workout.
Meet at 9th & Park at 6:00am or at the track for a 6:15am start. There will also be an alternate time for the workout on Wednesday night at 6:30pm at the track.