Tag: track workout

Thursday Night Track


Tonight’s track workout is BOOM BOOM REED 400’s!!!!!! What is that you ask? 24 x 400 on 60-seconds rest. In honor of one triathlons finest Matty Reed we will complete his favorite workout 🙂
MEET: 7:30pm @ 11th and Park

WARM-UP: Run to track, stretch, strides

MAIN SET: 24 x 400 on 60-seconds rest.
1-6 = 1/2 marathon pace
7-12 = 10k pace
13-18 = 5k pace
19-24 = 1-mile pace


APPROX. TIME = 80 minutes

Tuesday Track Workout

Good morning,

Since a lot of people have been training and racing very hard lately we are going to use this week’s workout to flush the muscles. Here is the workout:

Warmup: Jog to track, 2 laps striders
Set 1: 1×1600 @10K pace, 30s after set
Set 2: 100-200-300-400-300-200-100 @ 5K pace; 15s between intervals, 60s after set
Set 3: 2×800 @10K pace, 200m jog between intervals
Cooldown: Jog back to Hoboken
Meet at 9th & Park at 6:15am to jog to the track or you can meet us at the track on River Rd. in Weehawken for a 6:30am start. We’ll be back in Hoboken by 7:15am this week since it is a longer than usual workout. See you out there.

Thursday Track Workout


Below is a workout for this evening. I’m swamped with work so will not be able to make it. Don’t let this stop you!

MEET: 11th and Park @ 7:30pm
WARM-UP: Jog to track, stretch, strides

MAIN SET: Endurance interval + Speed

1 x 2000 @ 5k pace…steady even pace!
2 x 800 @ mile pace…stay relaxed!
4 x 200 @ sprint…quick turnover!
Recovery between each interval = Jog 100 (approx. 60-seconds)

**Don’t let your stride get lazy. Count 1-2-3-4 in your head. This will help you maintain a consistent stride and help with pacing.

COOL-DOWN: Jog home

TOTAL TIME: 60 minutes
TOTAL DISTANCE: 6.25 miles

Get to Work!

Tuesday Track Workout

Get excited…We’re doing Yasso 800s tomorrow! Here is the workout:

Warmup: Jog to track, 1 lap striders
Main Set: 7 x 800 @ 5K pace (consistent through sets), 45s standing rest after each
Cool down: Jog back to Hoboken

Meet at 9th & Park at 6:15am to jog to the track or you can meet us at the track on River Rd. in Weehawken for a 6:30am start. We’ll be back in Hoboken by 7:20am this week since it is a longer than usual workout. See you out there.


Tuesday Morning Track Workout

Here is tomorrow’s track workout:

Warmup: Jog to track, 1 lap striders
Set 1: 2 x 800 @ 10K pace; 100m jog between, 30s rest after set
Set 2: 8 x 200 @ mile pace; 15s standing rest between, 60s after set
Set 3: 4 x 400 @ mile pace; 100m jog between
Cool down: Jog back to Hoboken

The rest between intervals is short again this week to keep pushing stamina with the shorter distances. We’ll ease into the pace with set 1 but then we are going hard on sets 2 and 3.

Meet at 9th & Park at 6:15am to jog to the track or you can meet us at the track on River Rd. in Weehawken for a 6:30am start. We’ll be back in Hoboken by 7:15am. See you out there.


Thursday Track Workout

MEET: 7:30pm @ 11th and Park
———— ——— ——— ——— ——— —–
WARM-UP: Jog to track, stretch, strides

MAIN SET: 12 x 400 on 100 active recovery. The 100 active recovery is a slow shuffle. Leave for the next 100 when clock hits 60-seconds.

1-4 = 5K pace
5-8 = 1-mile pace
9-12 = Sprint (be consistent for all 4 intervals)

COOL DOWN: Jog home, stretch
———— ——— ——— ——— ——— —–
APPROX. TOTAL TIME: 65 minutes

See you out there this evening!