Author's posts

Tuesday Morning Track

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late email about tomorrow. We have had some pretty intense weeks on the track so we are going to pull back a bit this week. Our plan is to step down the intensity every 4 weeks to recover while still doing speed work. So here is this week’s workout:
Warmup: Jog to track, 2 laps drills + strides
Set 1: 1 x 800 @ 10K pace, 30s standing rest after set
Set 2:  2 x (100-200-300-400-300-200-100) @ 5K pace,15s b/w intervals, 60s b/w sets
Cool down: Jog back to Hoboken
Meet at 9th & Park at 6:15am to jog to the track or you can meet us at the track on River Rd. in Weehawken for a 6:30am start. We’ll be back in Hoboken by 7:15am. I won’t be there again this week but I’ve asked some people to take the lead.  Have a great workout!
–Michael & Nicole

(No title)

Hey Everyone,

Don’t forget this Sunday is the HoHa Classic run by our friends of the HoHa running club.  Check out this cool article with an interview of GC Tri member Jared Tootell!

Happy Training,

GC Tri

Weekly Newsletter

Hello All,
Congrats to those of you who suffered through the winds down at Devilman.  From what I’ve heard just surviving the bike was an accomplishment.  Mike D had a great first race along with a PR from Kara Strait.
This weekend Mike will be leading a group ride leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8 AM on Saturday.  On Sunday Nicole will be leading the ride leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8 AM.  All workouts are now being posted on our web site:  Check out all the new stuff we have going and if your Twitter fan, follow GCTriClub for great articles and updates on what’s going on in the club.
Good luck to everyone racing the Superhero Half Marathon or the HoHa Classic this Sunday!
Happy Training,

GC Tri

Thursday Evening Track Work-Build Phase Wk 5


I’ve created 2 workouts this week. The shorter intervals cater to the athletes focusing on the shorter races (5k, 10k, sprint, olympic). The longer intervals cater to the athletes focusing on the longer races (half IM, half marathon, IM, marathon)

MEET: 7:30pm @ 11th and Park

WARM-UP: Jog to track, stretch, strides

TEMPO RUNS increase the duration you’re able to sustain a relatively high running pace and increase the speed you’re able to maintain for a long time.
SPEED INTERVALS increase stride power and efficiency.  They are not full sprints; rather, they should be performed at the fastest pace you can maintain through the end of the last interval without slowing down.

Part 1: 8:00 tempo run @ threshold intensity. This is faster than conversational pace. You should feel the lactic acid start to build up, but you do not want to go out too fast and hit a wall half way into the interval.
Part 2: Speed Intervals = 8 x 1-minute on 1:00 jog recovery
Total Track Time = 24 minutes

Part 1: 16:00 tempo run @ threshold intensity. This is faster than conversational pace. You should feel the lactic acid start to build up, but you do not want to go out too fast and hit a wall half way into the interval.
Part 2: Speed Intervals = 4 x 1-minute on 1:00 jog recovery
Total Track Time = 24 minutes

COOL DOWN: Jog home

APPROX. TOTAL TIME: 55 minutes

See everyone tonight!

Thursday Morning Bike Ride


Looks like some pleasant conditions tomorrow morning.  We will meet at the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 5:40 AM.  We will cruise out to the park to do 4, 5 or 6 hill repeats.  The goal on the way home will be to get our speed up and see what we can do followed by an easy ride back from Weehawken.  If you are racing this weekend, it is still a great idea to join us, but I would advise skipping out on the hills and just get some speed work in.

Happy Training,


Tuesday Morning Track Workout

Good morning,
Here is tomorrow’s track workout:
Sneaky Miles
Warmup: Jog to track, 2 laps drills + strides
Main Set: 3 x (400-200-400-200-400)*
Cool down: Jog back to Hoboken
The 400s should be run at 5K pace and we will float (jog) the 200s.  60 seconds standing rest between sets.
Meet at 9th & Park at 6:15am to jog to the track or you can meet us at the track on River Rd. in Weehawken for a 6:30am start.  We’ll be back in Hoboken by 7:15am.
This workout is open to all ability levels.  We will work with you to modify the workout to fit your needs.  Let us know if you have any questions.  See you on the track!
Michael & Nicole