Tag: fleet feet

Fleet Feet – Meet and Greet Night – 2/19/14

Our sponsor Fleet Feet (604 Washington St. in Hoboken) is having a meet and greet for all the local run/tri clubs on Wednesay 2/19 at 7pm.  They will be conducting a sale that night for the clubs (25% – 40% off apparel, $10 off footwear and 10% off accessories).  The HoHA’s are bringing the beer, the Elysianettes are bringing desserts and GC Tri is bringing some wine.  It’s an excellent opportunity to meet some of the athletes in the other clubs in town, enjoy a beverage or two and take advantage of a great sale.  Hope you can join us!

Weekly News Update 7/25

Congratulations to GCTri members who competed at the NJ State Triathlon (one of our club designated races).  We finished 9th out of 25 in the Team Up Challenge this year for participation (really could have used Hartrick’s points).  At the Sprint Race we had: Brad Roberts, Sean Greene, John Argueta, Dani Rossi, Heather Cameron, Jenny Altagracia, Kirsten Greene, Hoda Osman; At the Olympic Race we had: Steve Su, Mike Satz, Dave Calabrese (7th AG), Matt Mustich, Gabby Czernik (2nd AG), Maria Wedgeworth, Jared Manks, Mike D’Imperio, RJ Boergers, Jamie Brabston (1st AG), Nicole Ogrosso (7th AG), Dave Pietrangelo, Cheryl Tarbous, Margaret Grandstaff, Sara Press (her triathlon debut!); At IRONMAN Racine 70.3  we had Jim Englert (6:04); At Pequannock Sprint we had Marc Hourican (7th OA, 1st AG). Remember to keep sharing your results with us on the website –  http://www.gctri.org/race-results/submit-results/ Best wishes to our large contingent of GCTri members racing IRONMAN Lake Placid, and special thanks to the members who will be volunteering and providing support to the group.  Good luck to team members racing Born to Tri, Sea Girt OWS, and any other races this weekend– make us proud!  Our sponsor Fleet Feet is celebrating 10 years of business in Hoboken on Tuesday July 30th.  Stop by the store for a sale and celebration –  http://www.fleetfeethoboken.com/events/in-store-events/10-year-anniversary-party-and-no-boundaries-celebration The GCTri Club August Social will be held on Thursday August 1st at 7pm at Pier 13 –  Take a break from training and come hear some IMLP stories and meet some other club members.  Please RSVP on the Facebook Event or the Club Calendar on the GCTri webpage for Nicci Schock’s Nutrition Seminar which will be held on Monday August 5th at 7pm at Stevens.  This Saturday RJ will be leading a 70mi ride that will leave the 14th St. Pier at 7am.  Happy Training!

Hincapie Fit Kits are at Fleet Feet – This week ONLY (3/24-3/29)

Jen has dropped off the Hincapie fit kits at Fleet Feet in Hoboken. There will be a sign-in sheet to see what interest we have and there will also be a list of what items we have and what sizes are available to try on. For a few items we don’t have a full line of sizes because Hincapie didn’t have them available. Men’s bibs are here but the cycle shorts did not arrive. You can still order shorts if you don’t wear bibs. After you try items on, please replace item back into the correctly labeled bag so the next person is able to find the sizes they need. 

Velocity short sleeve cycle jersey
Velocity long sleeve cycle jersey

Velocity cycle short
Velocity cycle bibs (men)
Velocity cycle vest (men)
Element cycle wind polar jacket (heaviest cycle jacket)
Arm Warmers
Fluid Plus Tri short
Fluid plus Tri top
Fluid plus swimskin (one piece-men and women)

We need to hit minimum of 10 of these various items. We will know if we hit the minimums when you create an account and pre-register for the items you would like to purchase. See below….

Hincapie has a new online ordering system called Team Center, and you will need to create an account. Please follow the instructions below to begin your order:

Click the link below to go to the Hincapie Team Center home page. Using the access code provided below, then type name, email, and a password you want to use. This will create an account for you. At this point you will get a message that says you can click an “new order” button. This is not up yet, but will be soon. I will send out an email once the store is setup which will probably be set up end of day Monday. At that point you can log in and click New Order to begin your product selection.


Access Code: goldcoasttriathlon13

Most important thing is to get to fleet feet later today or the next couple days and get your sizes. We will only have the kit this week. 

Once the new GCTri design is finalized by the graphic artist at Hincapie, We will post the artwork on our website and Facebook.

Garmin Watch Demo Night @ Fleet Feet

One of our favorite sponsors – Fleet Feet – is having a special question/answer/demo night for Garmin GPS watches.  This session is for people who may be considering purchasing a new GPS watch or current owners who are looking to have a better understanding of all the functions the watch has.  Check out their post below and RSVP with them if you wish to attend next Tuesday March 19th @ 7pm.


Fleet Feet Sports Hoboken

604 Washington Street

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Monday-Friday 10-8, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 12-5

Garmin GPS Watch Night

All questions answered and 10% OFF all GPS watches.


Thank you for being an awesome customer. We would like to invite you to an in-store event, hosted by a Garmin expert, next Tuesday, March 19th at 7pm.


Event attendees receive 10% off ANY GPS watch in stock!


GPS Watch Models we carry:

Forerunner® 10

Forerunner® 210 (with and without heart rate monitor)

Forerunner® 610

(with and without heart rate monitor)

Forerunner® 910XT

(with and without heart rate monitor)

Nike GPS Watch

Timex Ironman GPS Watch


Be sure to follow us for news, running tips, promotions, giveaways and more!




The 10% OFF discount on any GPS watch is valid for attendees only. You must be present at the event in order to obtain the discount. Thank you for supporting Fleet Feet Hoboken.


Have you ever thought about purchasing a GPS watch? Are you unsure which model would best meet your needs?


Do you have specific questions about your Garmin GPS watch – functionality, software, etc., that you need answered?

We’d like to invite you to Fleet Feet Hoboken’s Garmin GPS Watch Night!


When: Tuesday, 3/19/13 at 7pm

Where: Fleet Feet (604 Washington St)

Who: Everyone welcome – those who are interested in purchasing Garmin GPS watches and those who have questions on watches they already own.

Why: Have some fun while learning about GPS watches with fellow runners.

Cost: FREE. Plus all attendees will receive a special gift.

Space is limited!

Please RSVP to the event by sending a quick email to .