Garmin Watch Demo Night @ Fleet Feet

One of our favorite sponsors – Fleet Feet – is having a special question/answer/demo night for Garmin GPS watches.  This session is for people who may be considering purchasing a new GPS watch or current owners who are looking to have a better understanding of all the functions the watch has.  Check out their post below and RSVP with them if you wish to attend next Tuesday March 19th @ 7pm.


Fleet Feet Sports Hoboken

604 Washington Street

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Monday-Friday 10-8, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 12-5

Garmin GPS Watch Night

All questions answered and 10% OFF all GPS watches.


Thank you for being an awesome customer. We would like to invite you to an in-store event, hosted by a Garmin expert, next Tuesday, March 19th at 7pm.


Event attendees receive 10% off ANY GPS watch in stock!


GPS Watch Models we carry:

Forerunner® 10

Forerunner® 210 (with and without heart rate monitor)

Forerunner® 610

(with and without heart rate monitor)

Forerunner® 910XT

(with and without heart rate monitor)

Nike GPS Watch

Timex Ironman GPS Watch


Be sure to follow us for news, running tips, promotions, giveaways and more!




The 10% OFF discount on any GPS watch is valid for attendees only. You must be present at the event in order to obtain the discount. Thank you for supporting Fleet Feet Hoboken.


Have you ever thought about purchasing a GPS watch? Are you unsure which model would best meet your needs?


Do you have specific questions about your Garmin GPS watch – functionality, software, etc., that you need answered?

We’d like to invite you to Fleet Feet Hoboken’s Garmin GPS Watch Night!


When: Tuesday, 3/19/13 at 7pm

Where: Fleet Feet (604 Washington St)

Who: Everyone welcome – those who are interested in purchasing Garmin GPS watches and those who have questions on watches they already own.

Why: Have some fun while learning about GPS watches with fellow runners.

Cost: FREE. Plus all attendees will receive a special gift.

Space is limited!

Please RSVP to the event by sending a quick email to .