Category: swim

Weekly Newsletter

Hello All,

Congrats to Megan Wiseman who competed at the 70.3 World Championships in Clearwater taking 6th in her Age Group and 4th overall Female amateur!  This weekend Andrew will be leading a group ride leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8:00 AM on Saturday.  Don’t forget to order your GC Tri hats and visors.  In the first week alone we sold nearly half of our inventory so be sure to get your orders in now!  Email to submit your order.  GC Tri has a new sponsorship!  Personal Best Nutrition has offered GC Tri Members a 10% discount and free water bottle with your first purchase.  Please email for the details on how to obtain this great deal. 

  • Finally, come by Hoboken’s newest bar the Village Pourhouse located between park and garden on first.  We will be indulging in some quality cocktails and beers while rehashing this past season.  Wearing spandex is optional (it is so darn comfortable, isn’t it?)

    Happy Training,
    GC Tri

    Happy Hour

    Hi All,

    Matt and I are meeting up this Thursday 7pm at the new Village Pour House in Hoboken (between garden and park on 1st) to trade war stories from the season and we wanted to invite the whole club.

    Let us know if you’re able to make it, by commenting below.  If enough people can go, we might be able to work out drink specials or even a private table.

    Cheers and hope to see you there.

    – Andrew C.

    Weekly Newsletter

    Hello All,
    We have two big end of season races this weekend to cheer on for GC Tri.  The NYC Marathon will be on Sunday and there will be several GC Tri members cheering loudly on 1st Ave in the upper 80s.  Also, Scott Duprex and Julian Setian will be racing down at Ironman Florida. Good luck to everyone and send Andrew an email with your results so they can be shared with everyone.
    This weekend Andrew and Rich will be leading a group ride on Saturday leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 8:00 AM.  On Sunday, get into the city and cheer on those marathoners as it is very inspirational.
    Finally, there have been some major changes over at Stevens with their master’s program.  Thanks to Coach Brad, we still have a program as he will be renting out the pool for us and continuing to coach the morning workouts.  Mornings will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Friday starting at 5:45 so we can get in our workout before the college team jumps in.  Andrew will be coaching on Monday evenings from 8 to 9 and Brad will be coaching on Wednesday evenings from 8 to 9.  For all the details on registration, payment and the updated schedule check out
    Happy Training,

    Master’s Swim Announcement

    Stevens Masters Members Past & Present,

    Starting Monday November 1st, Stevens Masters (STVN) will be known as Hoboken Masters.  Hoboken Masters is owned by and will be run by Hoboken Masters LLC, which I created in order to rent pool space from Stevens (and keep the team around).  I am attempting to make this change as easy as possible, but a few changes have to be made.  I have contacted every member who paid a 6 month or yearly membership according to my records about being reimbursed for remaining months on their membership. If you believe I made a mistake and missed you, please let me know.  Again, these changes go into effect Monday, November 1st.

    Important Changes Starting November 1st:

    —The Practice Schedule—

    *No more Sunday practice.  You will be able to swim during any lap swim time on Saturday & Sunday’s on your own.
    *You no longer will be able to swim during any lap swim time Monday-Friday.  Once the school purchases and implements a card swipe system (in the works, probably a few months down the road), this rule will be strictly enforced.
    *Evening hours have been cut down.  I simply cannot afford to rent the pool four evening hours a week.  If more evening hours are requested and more members are swimming during evening hours, I can pay for more lanes, more hours, and more coaching.

    Monday: 8PM – 9PM (3 Lanes)
    Tuesday: 6AM – 7:15AM
    Wednesday: 8PM – 9PM (3 Lanes)
    Thursday: 6AM – 7:15AM
    Friday: 5:45AM – 7AM
    Weekends: Open Swim during any Adult Lap Swim time(2PM-8PM Saturday, 5:15PM-8PM Sunday)


    *I am trying very hard to keep everything in line with how it has been.  Purchasing online ( is the easiest way for me to process payments.  As of right now, I’m still waiting for my merchant application to be approved and the membership management system uploaded to the website.  Hopefully I’ll have it up by the end of next week. Unlike in the past, online payments are run through a different company and I don’t touch your credit card number.  You can still pay with check, please make it out to “Hoboken Masters.”  Here is the pricing structure:
    Monthly (recurring & non-recurring): $60
    Monthly (August / December): $45
    2 Weeks: $30
    6 Month: $300 (1 month free)
    12 Month: $563 (2 months free + cost of 1-year USMS registration)
    10 Practice Punch Card: $80 (good for 1 year)*Still working on the best way to create punch cards
    Drop In Fee: $10 (Please contact Brad before dropping in)

    Monthly, 6 Month & 12 Month memberships start on the 1st of the calendar month. 2 Week memberships start on the 1st or the 15th of the month.

    —USMS Membership—
    *During this transition period, paying for a membership will not require USMS registration until January 1st, 2011. Starting January 1st, in order to register you must be a USMS member.  USMS covers the insurance for the team, and therefore every person swimming at a Hoboken Masters practice will have to be a USMS member.

    *You can register as a Hoboken Masters (HOBO) swimmer for 2011 starting November 1st.  Directions are on the website:

    The website is up and almost fully functional.  Online payments cannot be run yet, and the newsletter sign up is a few weeks away from working.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Brad Thornton

    Weekly Newsletter

    Hello All,

    Congrats to Scott Dresden and Daniel Grabell for competing and finishing the Ironman World Championships down in Kona!

    This weekend Andrew will be leading an easy ride on Saturday morning leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken at 7:00 AM.  Also on Saturday, Kristin will be leading a long run into the city.  She is looking to run 20 miles at around a 10 minute pace.  If you are prepping for the marathon, take advantage and join her.  For more details please email Kristin at so she knows who is planning to join her.

    This Sunday, Kristen Sykes will be heading out to do an awesome 11 mile trail run.  Her group will be doing around 9 min/mile pace and she can take several people in her car.  Please email Kristen at if you would like to join her.  For more details on the trail, check out this site:

    Happy Training,

    GC Tri

    Weekly Newsletter

    Hello All,
    So we had some awesome results at the Oxford Olympic triathlon this past weekend with all GC Tri members taking home some hardware.  Matt Mustich took home 1st in his AG with a 19th overall, Jenn Finotti also won her age group, Steve Segaller took 2nd in his age group and finally Kristin Hespos took 2nd in her age group.  Great work!
    This weekend there will be a group ride leaving the 14th St Ferry in Hoboken on Saturday at 8:00 AM.

    An awesome opportunity for everyone in the club that may be in the need for Physical Therapy.  Dr. Sam Putrino is a physical therapist that has just opened up an office at the Sky Club.  He is offering all GC Tri members a free injury consultation.  Feel free to call him at 201-683-782 or e-mail him at samputrino at to schedule an appointment.  Feel free to visit his site: for more information.
    Also, I just wanted to let everyone know a lot of races are starting to open up their registration for 2011.  I know it is early, but as we all know races around the area tend to sell out quick.  CGI Races and 70.3 Poconos opens up on 10/1 so it is time to start thinking about next year!

    Good luck to everyone racing at Clam Man this weekend.  Go Team World…dominate Team Beach Bum!