Tag: social event

Weekly Newsletter 1/31/14

I’ve reached out to our typical ride leaders to see if anyone would be riding this weekend, but it seems like most people will be riding indoors despite the fact that the weather looks pretty good.  If you’re looking for ride partners feel free to post a ride on the club calendar or FB group and see who shows up.

Mark your calendars – the February social is scheduled for Saturday February 22nd at 4pm at Moran’s.  Please RSVP on the club calendar or the FB group.  We are hoping to offer the first presentation of the Athlete Education Series in February.  Please keep an eye out for upcoming information.

Lastly, we encourage you to pay your 2014 membership dues before your account expires.  This can be done on the website.

Hoha Snowball

Hello All,

Our friends over at the HoHa running club (that group that only runs and is jealous of us triathletes) has extended an invitation to their annual SnoBall event over at the Elks Club (1007 Washington). The grand event is being held this Saturday with doors opening up at 7:00 PM. Tickets can be found at www.hoha.net that include dinner and drinks. Join the fun and meet some other active people in Hoboken!

Happy Training,


Happy Hour

Hey All,

Don’t forget tomorrow evening we will be having our GC Tri end of season Happy Hour. We are meeting at Moran’s on 5th and Garden in Hoboken at 7:30 PM. We will also have on hand the first official GC Tri hats and visors for purchase. They are only $20 each and look awesome! Can’t wait to see everyone there. Andrew will be there sporting his new yellow visor!

Happy Training,

GC Tri