Tag: bassman

Weekly Newsletter 5/9/14

Congrats to our GCTri teammates who had great races last weekend.  At the Bassman Half – Jared Lando (5:01); Bassman International – Carsten Hansen (2:13, 5th OA); North Face Endurance Challenge 50mi Trail Run – Andrew Corcione (13:25); Escape the Palisades Half Marathon – Steve Rosselli (1:36, 5th AG), Steve Su (1:41), Dave Calabrese (1:41), Mike D’Imperio (1:50).  Good luck to our teammates racing the HOHA 5Mile Classic.  Please remember to submit your results to the club website http://www.gctri.org/race-results/submit-results/

There are many rides to choose from this weekend (ALL rides meet up at 14th St. Ferry Pier unless specified otherwise).  On Saturday: Steve Su is leading an “A” ride up to High Tor Park (~80mi) departing 13th and Park at 5:30am; Mike Haskell is leading an “A” ride departing 6:00am up to Bear Mtn (~100mi); Jared Williams is leading a “B”ride up to Piermont (~45mi)  that departs at 8:30am.  On Sunday: Nicole Ogrosso is leading an “A” ride leaving at 8:30 destined for High Tor Park (~80mi); Nicci will be leading a “C” ride leaving at 9am (distance determined by group).

Weekly Newsletter 5/2/14

Congrats to all our GCTri teammates who finished the Long Branch Half Marathon: Carsten Hansen (1:25, 1st AG), Lisa Mangino (2:04), Nicole Ogrosso (1:47), Deb Noble (2:06), Jim Englert (2:00), Todd Olsen (1:43).  Congrats to NJ Marathon finishers: Lyndsey Dore (3:45) and RJ Boergers (3:36).  Good luck to our teammates racing Bassman this weekend: Mark Smith, Carsten Hansen, Jared Lando, & Lyndsey Dore.   Also, good luck to Steve Su, Mike D’Imperio and Steve Rosselli racing Escape the Palisades Half Marathon.  Please remember to submit your results to the club website http://www.gctri.org/race-results/submit-results/

If you ordered GCTri t-shirts or track jackets, please pay via paypal to:   Jen will be placing the order and we will likely have all merchandise in a couple of weeks.

There are three rides to choose from this weekend (all rides meet up at 14th St. Ferry Pier).  On Saturday, Jared Williams is leading a “B”ride up to state line that departs at 8:30am.  Nicci will be leading a “C” ride leaving at 9am (distance determined by group).  On Sunday, Shelley Palumbo will be leading a “B” ride (distance determined by group).  Weather finally looks good – happy training!