Weekly News Update 6/14

Congrats to our GCTri members who raced last weekend at Eagleman, Lap the Lake, NJ Highlands Gran Fondo and Jersey Genesis.  At Eagleman we had Dave Doherty (5:08), Kevin Portmann (4:40), and Courtney Anderson (5:29); Heather Cameron had an awesome swim at Lap the Lake (5th overall female , 4th AG); Glenn Hartrick took 1st overall at Jersey Genesis; At the NJ Highlands Gran Fondo we had John Argueta (4:09), Carlos Buenano (3:53) and Heather Cameron.  Please remember to keep sharing your results with us on the website –  http://www.gctri.org/race-results/submit-results/ Good luck to all GCTri members competing in Wyckoff-Franklin Triathlon, the Long Branch Triathlon and any other races this weekend!  Hincapie orders have arrived! Pick up your gear from our sponsor, Fleet Feet of Hoboken (604 Washington St).  If you weren’t able to order back in March but would like Hincapie gear, please let Jen or Kristine know what you’re interested in purchasing.  If we reach the minimums we will place another order.  Don’t forget about Fleet Feet’s exclusive GCTri member discount night on Wednesday 6/19 @ 8pm. Pizza and beer will be served so you need to RSVP on the facebook invite or on the club calendar.  We’re all about ride options this weekend;  Saturday we’ve got multiple rides heading out: Kristine Papamichael will be leading a ride to Bear Mountain (100mi) that will leave the 14th St. Pier at 6am.  RJ Boergers will be leading a ride to Nyack (60mi), and Mike Haskell will be leading a ride to Palisades Park (20mi) : both these rides will leave the 14th St. Pier at 7am.  Happy Training!