If you ordered Hincapie cycling and triathlon uniforms, please pick them up at our sponsor Fleet Feet at 604 Washington St. in Hoboken. Also, we are taking pre-orders on t-shirts and track jackets from Custom Ink. Please use the links:
Track jacket – http://www.customink.com/signup/6l8zgrkn,
Men’s T – http://www.customink.com/signup/6l9bw4hs,
Women’sT- http://www.customink.com/signup/6l97pl92
We’ve got many options for rides this weekend, and even more may be added. Remember, all rides meet up at the 14th St. Ferry pier. On Saturday: Raphael is leading a 100mi “drop A ride” up to Bear Mtn. departing at 5:00am.; at 9am Laura Muzzatti is leading a 40mi “no drop B ride” up to state line. On Sunday, Jared Lando is leading a 100mi “A ride” departing at 6am. Happy training!