Race season is approaching us quickly and transitions are always the race within the race. GC Tri will be hosting its very first Transition Clinic this Sunday at 2 PM. We will be setting up 2 bike racks in the parking lot across from the Charthouse in Weehawken. This is the large parking lot on the way to the track.
What should you bring? Bring everything you would normally have in a transition. If you want to practice taking off your wetsuit, bring it. We will show you the best way to take it off as there are proven techniques. There will also be Aquaphor samples handed out which gives you the biggest advantage when removing that wetsuit. Bring your bike for sure along with your running shoes. We will practice both T1 and T2 and demonstrations will be given by some of the fastest people you will ever see in a transition area.
Feel free to drive or bike over there. If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly at
Happy Training,
GC Tri