While signing up for the club remember to order an awesome GCTri Race Kits this year. The kits are made by Sugoi, a manufacturer of high-end triathlon, cycling and running gear. There is more information available on the Gctri website, http://www.gctri.org/?p=376.
No matter what speed you go, you need to look good. What better way to look good than to purchase your very own GCTri race kit. Worth noting, if you don’t want the full setup you can order only a top or only a bottom.
As you consider purchasing this fine piece of merchandise keep this in mind: Would you rather be wearing boring, plain, black spandex and a top with some random company’s logo plastered across the front (who really doesn’t care about you)? Or would you rather wear a well-designed, comfortable, flashy kit, with the club’s name (who’s members you’ve trained and drank with) which shows your support for one of the premier triathlon clubs in the mid-atlantic?
Email me directly with your size information, ricbean01 at gmail. No money is due yet, we’re still getting a head count. For those of you who have emailed me, thank you.
Happy Training,
GC Tri