Tag: speed work

Track Workout Wednesdays

Hi everyone,

Here is tomorrow’s track workout. We’re going to start building in drills throughout the winter to strengthen some key running muscles ahead of the season.

Warmup: Jog to track; various drills
Set 1: 4 x 400 as follows: 1st: @ 5K, 2nd: butt kicks, 3rd: @ mile, 4th: high knees; 15s between each, 60s after set
Set 2: 400-200-400-200-400; 400s @ mile, 200s at jog; 60s after set
Set 3: 8 x 100 @ sprint; 100m drills between each (alt high knees, butt kicks, and lateral runs)
Cool Down: Jog back to Hoboken

Meet at 9th & Park at 6:00am or at the track for a 6:15am start. See you there.
