Weekly Newsletter 2/6/15

Hincapie payments are due today! Please pay by the end of the day so that we could get the order into production and get the gear by April.

We continue to offer Tuesday morning run workouts through the winter. Please see the club calendar for details http://www.gctri.org/race-calendar/ It will be announced the night before if the run is cancelled due to weather conditions.

We still need some more help in the planning of our 2N’s spinning fundraiser. Please take a look at the survey, and fill it out even if you can help with just a small task.

Reminders – the February social is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st at 4pm at Barcade in JC! We also have a GCTri/ Fit Werx event scheduled for Wednesday, February 18th at 7pm at Fit Werx in Ridgefield Park, NJ. See the Facebook event pages and club calendar for more details on these events.