Weekly Newsletter 1/23/15

This is the last week to renew your memberships. Remember, if you haven’t paid your 2015 dues, your RaceReach account will expire and you will be removed from the Facebook group as of 1/31/15. Paying your dues is easy; just visit: http://www.gctri.org/login-2/

We are planning a 2N’s Spin-a-thon Fundraiser for our friend Glenn Hartrick and we need your help!! We need to create sub-committees for this event. Please fill out this form if you could help:

Still thinking about ordering our GCTri team cycling and triathlon kits (Hincapie gear)? There are only a few more days to get your orders in before we close the order portal for payment! Remember, please do not sign up for anything you do not intend to pay for.
Team Center Link: https://teamcenter.hincapie.com/
New users, sign up with the Access Code: goldcoasttriathlon15

Mark your calendars – the February social is scheduled for Saturday, February 21st at 4pm at Barcade! We also have a GCTri/ Fit Werx event scheduled for Wednesday, February 18th at 7pm at Fit Werx in Ridgefield Park, NJ. See the Facebook event pages and club calendar for more details on these events.