Master’s Swim Update

As of yesterday, we are no longer allowed to use the side entrance (under the field bleachers) for AM practice.  In order to enter the pool, you need to use the front entrance of the Schaefer Center (the building the pool is in) which is located on the opposite side of the side entrance.  There should be someone there from 5AM-6:30AM Monday-Friday.

Because of Spring Break, the schedule for the next week is:

Sat/Sun March 12th-13th
Pool Closed – No Open Swim
Monday March 14th
No Practice
Tuesday March 15th
6AM-7:30AM; 7PM-8PM
Wednesday March 16th
No Practice
Thursday March 17th
6AM-7:30AM; 7PM-8PM
Friday March 18th
Saturday March 19th
Pool Closed – No Open Swim

Let me know if you have any questions,